What's included in this candy?
1 sheet Super Bright Embossed Stickers by Marcella by Kay (lable words)
1 sheet Super Bright Embossed Stickers by Marcella by Kay (journal tags)
1 package dried flowers
1 package Super Bright Metal Accent Embellishments by Marcella by Kay (words)
1 package Global Views Jewel Brads by Deja Views
2 packages of Jolee's Boutique Stickers (beach themed)
1 baggie of Prima flowers (shown in container)
1 spool of fibers
1 Handmade by Gabby coaster Post It notes holder w/pen
6 (not 18...sorry about the type-o) yards of satin ribbon in: chocolate, burgundy, pink, baby blue, white, & olive (1 yd. ea.) NOT SHOWN
and stamped images which will include: Hanna, Bellas, MFT's Who's That Girl, & others!!! NOT SHOWN

So...answer this question:
Does everything count? I love everything that you do! I'm so glad your better ~ I miss you when your gone! Love love love your blog!!
Let see now. What do I like best ? Hope it can be more than one thing. I love seeing all your cards that you post, love your humor, OK just love reading your blog.
Gladd you are feeling better Gabby.
Angel Hugs...Bobbie
If I have to pick, it would be your card ideas. You never cease to inspire! PS: I must admit I totally used your cute hearts-into-a-shamrock cleverness from last week when I crafted this past weekend! Thanks for sharing that idea. All the best, Joy(joyolivia@yahoo.com)
I have to admit I am new to your blog, but taking a look through your posts - I really like that you create a lot of different types of projects (3D and cards etc). I am always looking for different things to try and I think I've found the spot to get ideas from!
I love to see great pics of amazing cards and other creations! Thanks for this chance to win this sweet candy!
Hope you're recovering well! (I had surgery too last week...no fun!)
Take care of you!
~Brenda H.
I had to have that same surgery except my gall bladder was shredded from all the stones so they took it completely out. You'll feel better in no time!
You have great card ideas! And I admit I do CASE them sometimes!
Thanks for the opp for candy!
You take the most awesome pictures of the things you make. I am inspired to try new things before I even know how and then when you explain how it always makes sense and sounds doable. Love Ya!!!
Congrats on 10,000+ hits! I love coming to see your creative and inspiring projects you do. I just love your style. Thanks for a chance at this sweet candy.
I just love your card creations and that electric guitar kitty is so silly it makes me laugh each time I see it. Thanks for offering this great blog candy.
Mary P.
I really like looking at your cards - they're all so different. And, I like hearing about your life/family. So, it's a tie between those two!!
Kerry Morgan
ok, not only do I love looking at your cards b/c they are so original and creative, but I love that rockin cat with the guitar!
hugs! Joy, aka daiseyfreak
Well - I just love everything about your blog Gabby - but your sense of humor always prevails - I love to get a good laugh - and of course your creations are always amazing - it is always a joy to see your blog pop up on my google reader! Congrats on passing the 10,000 mark - your blog candy is amazing - I HOPE I win - I enter every blog candy contest I come across and have never yet won - but maybe someday... anyway - Happy St. Patty's Day too!
I enjoy your creative and inspiring cards and projects! I'm always looking for new ideas for cards. Thanks for the opportunity to win the great blog candy!
Oh, do I have to pick just one?! I just love your style, creativity and variety! You offer many different things and an bit of insight as to who you are, and may I say, I think you ROCK! Thanks for the chance for some really awesome blog candy! smiles and hugs!
I love all the variety of things that you make..not just cards but all the paper projects you do is just amazing. I love the photos and all the details you include.
Love the project. Recipe or directions would be nice. Love the cat with the guitar. You have links to places you shop. Now I have more places I can shop.
Thanks for the chance to win such awesome blog candy!
I like visiting your blog and seeing the projects and challenges you do. I've been wondering what to do with the coasters I've bought...........post it holders is a great idea!
placed in the wrong section:
Jenna Z said...
I'm a sucker for pictures and I love pictures of handmade things. I love that your cards are so multi-textural and 3-d, not just paper and stamped images, but flowers, brads, ribbons!, layers upon layers! Excellent!
another in the wrong place:
Márcia Mattos said...
I love checking your blog once in a while....I would love to have more time just to surf more blogs!!!
thanks for the chance to win this wonderful blog candy!
I love the card samples! Thanks for offering such fun blog candy!
What I love most about your blog is you Gabby! You are very creative, and have faboulus ideas. I really like the tutorials you have made. I would love to have a made by Gabby item!
Hola Gabby!!! es la primera vez que visito tu blog y me ha encantado ver tus tutoriales y tus trabajosssssss, tienes unas ideas padrísimas y todo es super lindo, te saludo desde México!!!!
OMG, what a wonderful bunch of yummy goodies you are giving away! I like your creations, first and foremost. You have a lot of talent. I also like the humor you have - like the kitty playing guitar! And your tutorials rock! Thanks!!
Cheryl KVD
That one's easy! Your absolutely gorgeous creations! (and your humor!)
I love it all- I come to be inspired and love all the projects you post! Thanks for the tutorials too!
Congratulations on your hits. I love your tutorials. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Gabby, I just love all your ideas, and you've been a great inspiration to a new stamper. Oh by the way I'm happy that you seem to be over all your illness.
Hugs Cindy
I love the variety you have, the pictures are especially awesome and of course my favorite would be your tutorials, they are just fabulous. Congratulations and thanks for a chance at winning that great candy.
The easy to follow instructions are great! Dancing kitten is a big draw, as well. Thanks!
Hey SBS Sis! Big Congrats on the 10,000 hits girl! As much as I LOVE your cards and ideas, I have to admit that I come to your blog at LEAST once a day for my kids--they are ADDICTED to that guitar playin' kitty!! Every single time I get on the computer for anything, they BEG me- "Go to the guitar kitty page!" So thank you for keepin' him up--I think I'll have mutiny on my hands if you ever take him off!
Funnstuff Gabby- congrats on the 10k hits!
I love your handmade stuff! You're so friggin' talented! Congrats on the 10K hits girlie!
Your creative cards! I also thing you take wonderful pictures of them! Thanks for the chance to win some candy!
Shut up! That's cute! LOVE it!
Hugs and grins
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