Ok ya'll...just wanted to let you know that even if you're NOT a SCS member...that I would love to have you in my Twilight SCS swap! (U.S. only) Just leave me a comment here if you're not an SCS'er or go leave me a post on my thread. Here is the link!
Here is a copy of the details!
You know you're addicted to Twilight if you look at your husband and think,
"Dammit, why don't you sparkle?"
WONDERFUL prize will be awarded to ONE lucky winner!!!
I will be awarding the BEST card with a little something Twilight related! LV (my 12 year old DD who's also on Team Edward) and I will pick thee best Twilight represented card! Let's just say the prize is something you will be able to wear and maybe wont want to take off!
Ok...the obsession has taken over! I have had this brewing in my wittle head since I started reading the first book. Are you addicted as well...do you fantasize being in Forks? Do you dream about being "bitten"? Do you prefer men who are dead, cold, and sparkly? Or do you prefer furry creatures? If you answered yeah to ANY of the above...then yeah...you suffer from Twilight Mania!!!
Anything goes for this swap! Make a card depicting Edward, Jacob, Bella, The Cullens...ANYTHING goes! Even if you're a Swiss Neutral...join me!!!
DESCRIPTION: Make cards using the Twilight series as inspiration!!! Standard size cards please! If you would like to do a different size card, please make sure you include an envelope please. Thanks!
1. NVR on embellishments.
2. PLEASE and I must stress this... use quality cardstock such as Stampin' Up (or similar in quality) PLEASE!!! All colors, patterned, & designer paper are encouraged! There's nothing uglier than a floppy card that wont stand up!
3. Please and I MUST stress this too...2 or more layers and at least one embellishment.
4. And last but not least...make something you would expect to receive in return...in other words...do the best at your work that you can. We're not all seasoned stampers/card makers...but make something you can be proud of. Anything not up to par WILL be returned. Sorry...I can't have my swappers dissapointed with less than!
QUANTITY: 5+1 The +1 is for the hostess...which is ME because I'm greedy like that! You will send in 6 and get 5 back. You will NOT get one of your own back (if there are enough players). So if you like what you've made, make an extra for you to keep. Sign up for as many spots you like. Just make sure you make something different for each spot.
DUE DATE: Due date is 2/02...my birthday!!! BUT, I will give a cushion of only ONE WEEK!!! I'm trying to be firm BUT nice about due dates...so please work with me...if you have too much on your plate and you think you MAY be late or wont be able to complete this swap...PLEASE do NOT sign up OR PM me in the event you have to cancel your spot WITH ENOUGH TIME FOR ME TO RE-ARRANGE IF NEED BE AND NOT AT THE LAST MINUTE...I would really appreciate that!!! I want to make sure all swaps have a quick turnaround...I'm an OCD hostess...lol. Any late cards WILL be returned back. If you feel the need to do so, please add delivery confirmation to your packages as I'm not responsible if the USPS messes up and losses your packages.
PACKAGING/MAILING: Place swap items in a large baggie for waterproof purposes. Write your real name, SCS name (if applicable) and swap name on a piece of paper and include in the baggie for identification purposes OR you can also write it ON the baggie. Place baggie in a SASE, (please include 2 - 3 extra stamps to make sure your goodies will be sure to be returned to you). Extra unused postage will be returned to you. If you prefer Priority, I will provide the envelope, just make sure to send 1 (ONE) Priority postage stamp, a Priority label pre-filled, NO METERED POSTAGE PLEASE...ONLY POSTAGE STAMPS anything metered will also be returned...or you can also send cash to cover the shipping. If you send cash...I will PayPal print your labels or go directly to the PO!
Send your swaps to:
email me for my address!