Anywho...I managed to get a card done for the Paper Makeup Stamps peeks and couldn't show it because 1. I've been in bed without any energy and then 2. LV lost my camera. She had been taking it to school to take pictures with her friends since she's graduating from middle school soon and well...she lost it... Which leads me to apologize...
Katie and girls at Paper Makeup Stamps...I am so sorry I came to fail you all. I honestly wish I didn't have this crap going on because the last thing I wanna feel like is a failure...and that's what I feel like right now. I know I've been told to rest and that life comes first...but being part of a design team is part of my life...and I do apologize.
I think that's about it for now. I need to send stuff out and what not so I'll take advantage of this burst of energy. Thanks to you all for your continued support.
About the blog candy...I'll have LV update tonight who the winner is so I can send that out too. I do apologize for that too...
Lots of love!!!

Continue to get better soon Gabby - and try not to give yourself such a hard time - I am sure that none of your design friends begrudges you time to rest! You're not a failure... you're a shining star.
You totally don't need to apologize, you've been dealing with a lot of major stuff! Hope they get your insulin sorted out soon so you can feel a bit better.
Gabby~ As if you even NEED to apologise! Honey, your health comes FIRST!!! We have been thinking and praying about you. Take care about yourself and then when you are better, you can worry about us PMS'ers...don't fret. We love you a lot and want you to get better!
I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. I was worried there. Warm hugs sending your way.
you were on my heart tonight to check in and I see you need prayers! hang in there girl!!
(haven't been here in awhile, your blog design is fabulous!!)
Hey Gabby, I've been really behind in my blogging and commenting, but I've been thinking of you and the family A LOT lately. I have a couple little things I've been wanting to send you... So, I'm gonna send you them, and a camera tomorrow. DON'T ARGUE! I have an extra one just sitting here. It's not fantastic, but it will work. I just wish I lived closer so I could help you out MORE. Keep your head up, God is taking care of you! Just do your part (REST) and He'll do His!
Hi Gabby! I have been away from the computer a lot lately and am just now seeing your post - I am glad you are recovering. You need to take it easy and do what is best for you so that you continue to recover! Big hugs to you. Oh, and my DD lost the digital camera I was letting her use at the Rendfaire this weekend! Aaarg! It did turn up at the lost and found, luckily! :-)Traci
You are in my thoughts and prayers sweetie. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Gabby -- the last thing you need now is to stress about DT requirements; I'm sure everyone understands that you would never choose to have these health issues in your life! There are definitely better ways to lose weight ;) . Create when you feel like creating again and for now, take care of yourself!!
Glad you are slowly on the mend- hope you get your insulin sorted out soon and get back to full health.
Take care of yourself Gabby- will be thinking about you!
love kt x
I keep checking on you - I hope you are doing better.
Gabby take care of your self Im not going anywhere I know you will send out the stuff I got from you when you can.Hugs Sarah
Gabby - I'm continually thinking of you and praying for your healthy recovery! We'll miss you around PMS, but keep in touch. You have an amazing talent to share - but only AFTER your health and family come first! Hugs and kisses and continued get well wishes!
Hope things are getting better for you! Miss you at Bombshell!
I hope your health is improving,but I think it is worrying because you haven't been here for so long.I really hope you are feelng a bit better and are out for a well deserved summer break!
I hope your health is improving,but I think it is worrying because you haven't been here for so long.I really hope you are feelng a bit better and are out for a well deserved summer break!
Hi Gabby,
We haven't heard from you in nearly 5 are you? I do hope you're feeling better.
Dear Gabby,
How are you doing? It's been awhile since we've heard an update and we are concerned about you. My readers are praying for you. I just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you.
It is worrying how long you haven't been here....
I truly hope you are okay!
Big hugs to you Gabby- all the DT stuff can sit on the back burner- you need to take care of you. My son has been an insulin dependent diabetic since the age of 3 yr.s so I know how very important it is for you to get your blood sugars sorted out. You aren't too useful(or creative!) too high or too low. You'll get this figured out-hang in there girl!
I miss you Gabby!!! I hope you and the family are doing well, my friend. I hope you return soon, you are the only one who understands my Cougarisms, especially since we just saw the JoBros in concert last week. I need you in my life again!! Hugs and prayers to you!
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