Ok...so I haven't posted in a few days because I've just been extra busy with the kids Halloween stuff...so I'm posting this very quick post just to let ya'll know I'm still around...just less time of myself to do a full post. So here's a video on how to make these cute small pieces of jewelry and I hope I've helped you find a new hobby...lol. ;)
Gaby - Those are really cool. I love the bracelets. Great work. I can see, how it can become addicting. I'll have to share your video with my sister Mari, I think she'd love to do this. Thanks for sharing.
Just finished all my cards for the swap. I posted the pics on my blog. I'll have them in the mail manana. Buenas Noches.
Thanks for the vid, Gabby Green Eyes! It was easy to follow and now I'm afraid I need to make some of those tiles! (not much time, before the holidays, though)
Very cool indeed! Gabby, is there nothing that you can't do?
Your the awesome-est! I miss you! I don't get my Gabby fix anymore!
Happy Halloweenie Girl- PS I love your tunes but you gotta lose all those Jonas Bro.s ones- what's up wit dat?!!!
I love your tutorial - so nice to see detailed pictures! I do have a question; how did you do the border on the Twilight tiles? Or, was that just part of the picture? Thanks!
I love it! Will definitely be giving it ago. Thank you for the idea!
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