Now it's my turn to award those that rock MY socks! Here we go!
1. First one goes to my awesome friend and fellow HO Joy! I just adore her work!
2. Next one goes to Jailbird of Dirty Shanks! Girl...you rock my sock with those offensive cards! MUAH!
3. Of course the next one goes to my "twin sis" Ela! She just ROCKS in general!
4. Last but SO not least...my girl Maria!!! The reason I strive to make awesome creations and strive to make myself a better stamper!
Enjoy gals! You truly do deserve this award for rocking my socks!
ETA: Joani...you definitely ROCK MY SOCKS!!! Not only with your work...but with your friendship! :)

Gabby, you are the sweeeeeetest, and your work far outrates mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow! I've spent the week in San Diego (near you) :) and found your message on my blog - so I skidadled right over to check it out! I AM SO FREAKING HONORED! Send me your addy so I can send you a dirty shank!!!!
Hi Gabby! Sorry, I haven't been around! I've been busy cleaning out my craft room and garage this summer. ARgggh! I'm finally back to normal.
Thanks for the shout out!! YOu deserve this award the mostest!! You not only ROCK but you're a ROCkER Chick too! Great combination!!
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