
My desk re-arranged!

I have a MAJOR headache this morning...so I wont type much so I can rest it off by going back to sleep so I'll share pictures of what my desk looks like now. I hope I can post something later on if not I'll post something totes rad tomorrow that I'm sure will be worth the wait! Thanks ya'll...and thanks for looking!
Before...After...and After with Bubba looking for the stamps and the catnip! Notice how the before is like really neat...then the after...LMBO! It's called creative mess!



Melyssa said...

Your scrap area looks great!! Love the new look of your blog!! Very bright and cherry! LOL

Angie said...

I love seeing how other people's craft spaces look. Thanks for sharing what partof your "real" life looks like! And the Poker Face song is wonderful thanks!

Nicole Maki said...

Your cherries are terribly cute.

Sorry you had a headache. Those really suck the life out of a person.

Great, tidy, work space :-)