I'm so glad this week is OVER! It means the kids are almost off to school...YAY! Of course it's gonna be bittersweet because that also means my little Lizzie is starting Kinder! Time has really flown! My last baby is starting school and she's very excited! She already had her orientation and saw her classroom and she can't wait for Thursday. :( I wont have anyone to cuddle with during the day anymore! We'll still have our naps though! :) LOL!

Anywho...I made this card for a friend of mine that lives in the Netherlands who I haven't been a great friend to. :( I am so embarassed about that. She's been my friend since I had started my very first MSN group and bonded with her instantly. I do miss her living in the US. I sent her some stamps I hope she likes. She's a frog lover so I had to make her card special! I even broke out the sewing machine! :O I hadn't used my sewing machine in such a long time...my hubby was not happy he paid so much for just using it a couple of times. YIKES! Maybe now I'll break out some fabric too and maybe sew clothing again...but that's a big MAYBE! We'll see how that goes! :P
Ok...I am off to work on a challenge card! I'll post that tomorrow! Hope it comes out how I have it in mind!
Have a great weekend and don't have too much fun without me! :P
Markers used:
CS/DP: CChip, OOlive, SSky, Kraft, Basic Grey DP, & white GP CS
Ink: BBlack & Copics
Stamps: Dustin Pike frog digi & UnfrogettableEmbellishments: CChip & OOlive ribbonOthers: circle punches, scalloped punch, wire works, & sewing machineHugs,
Hi Gabby!! Your card is adorable! Love the little froggie.
Gabby I love the card:) but I think you already knew I would..lol The only thing that stops us from chatting is a big ole 9 hr difference..we need to e-mail more and keep up with that. I too have missed our chats:( We've both been through some rough times the last few years but agian that shouldnt stop us from e-mailing!! Big Hugs to you!
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