Hi ya'll...no card to show YET but I'm working on it. I've been having a hard time thinking stamp time...it's horrible this feeling! I have all my supplies around me but still can't shake this block! I told LV though that we're gonna stamp today! I'm 98% done with everything I've been working on and so I'll start having more free time. Then they go back to school and my little one goes too...so soon I'll have ME time...only for ME!!!
Ok...so enough of THAT...I have some exciting news! Remember how I'm almost always talking about how LV has an obsession with the Jonas Brothers? Well...she had the honor of meeting them!!! Yes...she won a meet and greet through the fan club. She was super stoked let me tell you. When she read the email she was screaming and had an "OMG I'm gonna vomit" moment...lol. My mom back in Feb.-Mar. had gave her $$$ to buy what she wanted and she ended up getting tickets for both her and I. So she entered to win the M&G and she never gave up hope that she would meet them. She wouldn't say "Oh I'm never gonna win" or anything like that...she was always positive and BAM...she wins!!! :) She's been a fan since mid '07...like a fan fan...lol...so this is HUGE to her! Anyways...here's her meet and greet picture.

It's funny that my sister in law thought they were those cardboard cutouts they have in Hollywood until she noticed Joe's (remember my DD's FAVE boy...well...not fave but the one she's "attracted" to...she loves them all equally)...around her shoulder. :D Check out where LV's arm is...lol! Anyways...it was a great day of her and me getting out and bonding more. The concert was pretty cool...I felt like I was back in my New Kids on the Block days...lots of screaming girls. This concert was more intense because we had closer seats...where all the crazy girls are. I could NOT hear on the drive back home...those girls have LUNGS!!!
In the meanwhile until I post new stamps I'm gonna sell or a new card which trust me...I'm GONNA get down tonight! I have to...even if it looks crappy...lol! Here are some pictures LV took at our concert.
This is their fan autograph bus provided by Verizon
LV holding her concert ticket and M&G pass
waiting in line for the meet and greet...we saw their bodyguard Big Rob...he's for real! :P
before they came on...it was a center stage show...this is the closest we've been
right when they were coming up to the stage...Paranoid was their first song they sang
Joe Jonas on the jumbo screen
Nick Jonas during A Little Bit Longer (during his diabetes speech)
Poison Ivy (Joe Jonas)
Joe Jonas on our side with fans...LV was jealous
Kevin Jonas on stage, Garbo on bass, Ryan on keyboard, & the horn section

Joe with the horn section...just after that he got down dancing with them...it was so cool
Nick and Joe on the trampoline...they're very acrobatic...lol
Gotta Find you from Camp Rock...the pedestal rose
LV SWEARS he (Joe) was looking at her in this pic...lol...too bad it's blurry :P
Live To Party...Kevin up front on guitar...he's pretty amazing
during Live To Party when the foam the girls...lol
Nick Live To Party drum solo...he's intense
LV's fave pic
another Kevin playing guitar pic
Kevin right before Lovebug started...he was under the waterscreen...yes...real water!
the boys (mostly Joe) spent most of the time on our side :)
Kevin Jonas introducing himself before the show was over
Nick Jonas """
Joe Jonas """
Big Rob preforming Burning Up with the boys...he has a "rapping" part
end of Burning Up...end of the show
other acts say bye...Honor Society, Wonder Girls, & Jordin Sparks
final good-bye
making sure LV's "autograph" was still there after the show
one last pic by the bus

Thanks for checking them out!

& LV
Hi Gabby!! How exciting for LV!! :D
How exciting! I remember Dani with Justin Timberlake! I miss those days :(
I'm glad to see you posting ~ I hope you get back into your routine soon. It just takes time and you only know when your ready.
Miss you to pieces!!
Aaww thats awesome. It looks like you guys had a fabulous time@
That is so cool! I remember my NKOTB days, and if I had ever won a M&G I woulda puked! LOL! So glad you guys had this fun time together!
AWESOME!!! Omword, I am torn between showing Nala and not showing these to Nala. LOL! It will ruin her day.hahaha. :D
I love this, what a blissful memory for LV. She totally deserves it, I just love your family. Omgosh, I would have lost it uncontrollably when Lovebug started. I would have been one of those girls with the crazy lungs which doesn't make any sense because then you can't hear them sing. lol! Okay, I decided. I am showing Nala these pics. ;) If you hear a wail, it's coming from VA. Hugs and happy day Gabby!
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