As you know...I'm not only a DT member of Bombshell Stamps...but I'm also a big fan of their bombshells. I am wholeheartedly partial to the girls! They're style! Don't get me wrong...I love all other girlie stamps like from other companies I use to stamp...but these bombshells are like nothing out there...they're special and unique in the fact that they represent a large community out there of the "alternative" lifestyle! One that's not fully "out there" so to speak. Anywho...just wanted to express! If that's your style too...deep inside but are "afraid" to show that side...DON'T...LOVE that inner BOMBSHELL and celebrate her! ;)
Now on to the tutorial!
Here are the following Copics I used:
(click on any image for a larger view...if you don't wanna leave this page, right click and open in a new tab/window)
E02, E00, E000, & R02

With E02 I begin to color the areas I feel would be in a shade...

Then I follow up with E00 using circular strokes to blend E02 & E00

I then follow that with E000 and blend all together making sure to concentrate on the center to highlight that are and NOT take away too much from the E02

For the cheeks...I like using R02 as the "blush"

Then I go back in with E000 and go around the "blush" to soften it up. If I find it's too bright, I also go over the whole cheek to lighten it up

For the rest of the body I do the same...minus the R02 of course!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope this tutorial helps!

WOWZA! She's smoking Gabby! This is what I'm going to look like for DH tomorrow for Valentine's Day. LOL! NOT! ;) Awesome tutorial - I need to add a couple more copics to my want list now that I've seen the way the expert does it. ;) Happy day my friend!
Thanks so much for the tutorial. I like how you color from dark to light (versus most that tell you to do light to dark). Can you share what cardstock you like to use with COPICs?
Thanks for the awesome tutorial!You ROCK!
Thanks for the tutorial :) I love copics they are so fun! What a great card! Cant wait for the movie to come out!!!
Great tutorial! What a treat to have someone like you share your skills! Thanks :)
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