So my dad's daughter calls to tell me (us) that my dad is dying. Ok...that made my heart sink, my stomach churn, and my head spin and I was distraught. NOW...EVERYONE is trying to get in contact with her trying to find out information...but she's not giving ANYTHING to ANYONE...not even my dads SISTER! That pissed me off and I'm ready to rocket into space. My sister called me to let me know she called and that she didn't want to talk to my sister and didn't allow her husband to give info...MY SISTER IS IN ARIZONA...are you serious???!!!
As much as I love my dad...I'm not gonna risk myself or my kids in going out there to see what's going on. This lady is she'll shoot you crazy and so is her whole family. I have my precious kids to lose if she trips on me because I'm not one who lets herself...if someone goes at it ON out because the sweet Gabby leaves and that's where the trouble will start.
If my dad passes away...or maybe he already wont be on MY'll be on hers and she'll have to live with that...not me. I had my dad with me MANY years...30+ and I enjoyed his company and gave him all the love I can. His memories will remain with me forever...more than she can ever say or imagine...and he and my mom will be in my heart forever. As much as it tears me up inside...I'm gonna have to let him go in MY way...or at least until his daughter decides to set her hate aside and allow us to go and see him if he's still on this Earth. If he left us...may he be with my mom and his children looking over us along side our Lord and resting in peace.
I just can't let her pissy @$$ get to me because I'm already going through enough to add that to my dish. I'm sorry if I may sound cold...but that's just how I'm feeling. My daddy will always be my daddy regardless!
SOOOO...back to me and try to enjoy my time I may have left with my computer. The ball is in her court...
Thanks for once again being there for me and your prayers.

Boo! Just figured I'd drop by and say Hi and Congrats on the new DT spot Gabbs! Hang in there! Love ya TONS! Scrappy
If you will regret not getting to say goodbye, don't let ANYONE get in the way of that. Be strong and take care of yourself right now :-) All the best...
Pardon my language if it offends, but... what a psycho bitch!
Oh Gabby I'm so so sorry you have to go through this. It's so unbelievable that someone could be so childish, selfish and horriable! Karma will get her! I'll wish for that for you.
OH and here, here Leigh Ann, I totally agree!
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