So again...not too much blah blah from me today. You know how much I love to blah blah...but I went to bed LATE last night and I'm headed BACK to bed again! Plus Lizzie is feeling a bit sick. She's got the sniffles and mild cough. So it's out to rub some Vapor-Rub on her chest, behind her ears, soles of her feet, and inner elbows (like mom taught me) and turn on the humidifier! Hopefully she doesn't have to miss school today...but if she's still not feeling good by 10...then I'm keeping her home. Ok...so off to nurse my baby girl and nap with her. Have a great day and I hope you're staying nice and warm...or at least in good health!
Ok...something sad and important I do want to share before I go. See my upper right hand corner of my sidebar? The cute image of the giraffe and the monkey! Well please make sure to click on it and read a bit about this sad loss of a 3 year old boy named Henry. As a mother I can't even come close to knowing what Sarah ( a fellow blogger and fellow SCS'er), his mother, must be going through right now. I can't image the size of the pain going through her and her family right now. I know with the loss of my mom it was terribly hard and just the most pain I've ever felt...but to lose ones child...and one at such a young age...it's even hard to imagine. So if in any small way you can help...it's by going to the Pink Cat Studio digi site (picture of image will lead you there) and purchasing that digi stamp in name of Henry. Oscar gave me the go-4 to buy it and at least help in that small but from the heart way. Now go hug your loved ones really tight because tomorrow isn't guaranteed! Live every day filled with love and happiness and near your loved ones... HUGS to you all from me!!!

Hi Gabby. I really like your simple little card..Sometimes it is fun to say alot with a little...lol..Very cute! I read about this little boy on Suzanne Dean's blog and I can not begin to imagine...I so want to put this on my blog, but I am really new to this blog tags and things..Is there anyway that you could help me list on my side-bar like yours? I be sooooo thankful to you...Have a good hug with your family, I know I am..Lisa G
Hi Gabby. I really like your simple little card..Sometimes it is fun to say alot with a little...lol..Very cute! I read about this little boy on Suzanne Dean's blog and I can not begin to imagine...I so want to put this on my blog, but I am really new to this blog tags and things..Is there anyway that you could help me list on my side-bar like yours? I be sooooo thankful to you...Have a good hug with your family, I know I am..Lisa G
I love your CAS card. But I had to do a double take to make sure I was on Gabby's blog and not someone else's - since I've never seen CAS come from you. LOL!! You did a wonderful job, but you always do.
I, too, posted the image on my blog to help out the Anderson family. I couldn't believe how this impacted me yesterday. I cried and cried and I don't even know them. My heart goes out to this family.
Your card is just darling! I know Sarah and her family will appreciate everything everyone is doing!
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