I have a HUGE lump in my throat. No...I'm not sick...just completely overwhelmed at the love and support I'm getting through blog land...my FAMILY! More specifically my immediate stamping family...
Joni, my Ho's, and my little sister...
I am overcome by a loss of words on how to express my gratitude to ALL of you who have been there...not only by purchasing Mood for Rock or sending me supplies as a gift...those are just extra blessings...but for being there spiritually when my spirits were down! How can I ever thank ANYONE for that! That is priceless. You guys...my crafting community friends are doing more for me than what my own flesh and blood relatives have not done since my mom's passing.
I remember very well at my moms viewing how they were blatantly lying to my face saying..."we won't leave you alone, we must be a tighter family now and love each other in Gaby's name (my mom)". Oh really...where are you now? It's been 8 months since my mom passed away...and I have not heard one peep from my family. Birthdays for their kids have come and gone...and not one invitation like there use to be before when my dear mother was alive. Thanksgiving passed...nothing...Christmas passed...nothing...New years...my birthday...NADA! I've called...but no answers and no call backs. Ok...that's how it is now... I kinda had a feeling that would happen...being the adopted daughter and what not. From what I know...they still keep in touch with my sister...my moms real daughter. That's the thanks I get for spending SO MANY YEARS putting my mom before myself. I was there for my mom every single day in every single way I can think of until her very last day. Even on her very last day my aunt and sister were asking me about the burial...if I had everything set up...if I had bought her outfit...etc...not allowing me to spend some time alone with her as she laid in the hospital bed lifeless to say my last goodbye and have my last moments with her. If that's family...then I rather NOT have them in my life.
BUT then all of YOU guys come together and do such amazing things for me??? Yes...you are all my family now. Asides from my husband, kids, and in-laws...you are all the family that I have. That's why I treasure me being online so much...because I would be lost without you guys! I know it's said that you can't truly be someones friend when you haven't even met them face to face...but BULL CRAP...I feel I know you all in my heart and that's all that matters. For obvious reasons I see that you all feel the same because who else does this for someone they don't know face to face? Amazing special people only! That's what you ALL are!
Just when I thought I was alone...MY FRIENDS...MY SISTERS...especially Joni...set up this awesome of a
blog hop...in MY NAME? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? She said she had something in store...and I was afraid...very afraid...lol...but I had NO idea it would be of THIS magnitude! The names on the list...my sisters...WOW! You have NO IDEA how much this has touched my heart and lifted my spirits. I mean...why me...I'm not special...I'm just Gabby for Christs sake! A crazy almost non-functional basket case...with a HUGE heart though. ;) This huge heart of mine though is filled with love and joy as I sit here typing this. I'm still at a loss for words! Yeah...I know...I already wrote a news article and I'm still at a loss? LOL! Words however can not express my love and gratitude for you all...sincerely...

Thank you so much Joni...thank you for putting this blog hop in my name...I'm not worthy! Thank you to all my sisters along the way...and my new sisters for hopping along. I am truly grateful! To me the true rockstars are YOU GUYS!
Of course...I can NOT forget Katie! It all started with her when she felt it in her heart to have one of her illustrators come up with an image in my name...to my person! Because of Katie and the great community who have bought Moody for Rock and the coordinating sentiments/word art...we were able to add food to our refrigerator up until mid March. YOU have put food in my childrens mouths. Oscar actually cried and felt less of a man...but I told him to look at it this way...that this amazing blessing that was bestowed upon us can one day be OUR way to pay back and to NOT feel less of. I told him he's not alone...there are many families out there going through what we're going through...only we see it as this because we're the ones going through it. I'm a true believer in KARMA...I really am...so I know one day we'll pay back when the payback is due.
In the past I have been the giver...the one who tried to help out friends when they were in need...even if it was just with prayers and just being there...this is a way of my KARMA coming back to me. Just when I thought I did something bad in the past to deserve what we're going through...this blessing comes along to redeem my feeling. One day...ONE DAY...I will have it in MY means to do something for a friend... Until that day...thank you all so much! I found it extremely hard to type this and to take it all in, that I had to step away from the computer many a times to cry. You guys just don't know how humbled I am by this. God Bless you all and I love you!