Hello and welcome to your very first stop on the
Mother of all Blog Hops-blog hop...lol. This is very intimidating as I never liked being first at ANYTHING...ACK! Why did my last name have to start with an "A"? :P
BUT I am so happy to be here none the less! When I found out that
Jessica and
Holly we're arranging this blog hop welcoming costumers AND past Trendsetters I jumped on the occasion! I was a Guest Trendsetter in April of '09 and that was fun times!
So here we go! If you came to me through the
There She Goes blog...then you are on the right path! If you just happen upon my blog and would like to join in the hop...head on over to the
There She Goes blog to read up on any important info about the hop! Ok...you ready now...coolio!

This weekend I am representing 3 sets...YES...THREE!!! First I signed up for "
A-Z & 1, 2, 3". But then there were sets still uncalled for so I jumped on the opp to also rep the oh so LOL "Tastes Like Chicken" from when I was a Trendsetter and "Nature of Friendship" because during my time with TSG...I made some new awesome friends. Side note...I've been an awful friend lately and I apologize for all my friends whom I've neglected...so the Nature of Friendship card is for you ALL! :D
This project I made is this tote for my MIL for Mother's Day. This was an idea pitched to me by my awesome Ho (don't ask...lol) Kelli Jo who you will be visiting somewhere down the hop! I was stressed for ideas for a Mother's Day gift and BANG...she said stationary! Thanks KJ! :P Love ya! Love how you can use this set to personalize anything! I altered a notepad and stamped the inside pages with my mother in laws initial to match the cover and tote. Mis Notas is My Notes in Spanish. Then I made a postage stamp envelope and stamped "estampillas" which is stamps in Spanish. Lastly I altered a dollar store find...an address book with "direcciones" meaning addresses also in Spanish and then a matching RSVP pen. I hope she likes it! See the fun things you can do with this set?

Next is my
Nature of Friendship card. I decided to keep it plain and simple and make a CAS card to feature it's beauty. This set doesn't need too many layers... I used Old Olive, Basic Black, and Elegant Eggplant to stamp the images and greeting. You can click on it for a larger image to read the sentiment. It had been a while since I used my SU inks all thanks to my Copics...lol! Nice break...

Finally here is my
Tastes Like Chicken card. I remember when I first got the set to play with...I was dying! I was literally ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF! I know this wasn't a very popular set with many during the sneak peeks and it was the talk of the town at SCS...but I have a funny and sometimes strange sense of humor so this was so up my alley! Dark nasty alley...lol! Hope you enjoy this card! My last one was well...a bit "tasteless". If you wanna see what I'm talking about..you can see it
here! I thought it was pretty hilarious! This one I went a bit more classy...lol! Hey..."those people" this set was meant for have class too dangit! x}
Ok so I leave you now on your way to visit the next stop on the hop which is the awesome
It's a pretty long trail...but I KNOW you'll enjoy it! So grab a cup of your favorite drink, kick back and enjoy the hop!
Jessica and Holly...thanks so much for having me guys! Fun times! :D