...hey ya'll...just wanted to post an update on my mom. We went to see her today and according to her nurse...she's still the same only now she's off IV feeding and she's been feeding her applesauce with pain meds since they don't want to keep her all hocked up on morphine and asleep. They want her awake and moving some. This time I was actually a bit stronger because she recognized me being there as oppose to last time she had no idea. I saw her eat thru her mouth and that alone lifted a heavy weight off my heart. She even made me chuckle. So I was speaking to her and I say "Mom...do you know who I am?" and she shook her head 'yes'.

So then I ask her..."so you can hear me?" and then she nodded 'no'...so me being the brat I am I said..."so you only want to hear what YOU want huh?" and she kind of smiled and shook her head 'yes'! This woman...even when she's in pain and can't speak because she's still too weak she STILL has that humor inside her.

Her nurse said that hopefully tomorrow they'll have their first try at physical therapy and have her try to at least stand. I'm praying for a good outcome on that. I took a few pictures of her I wanted to share. The first one is of her when we first got there, the second is her with my dad and the last one is before we left. You can kind of tell in the second one she was in pain in how she's pursing her lips. Needless to say my dad was a mess. I had (and still have) to explain why she's in the hospital. He's been a handful to care for at home...all I hear from my brother and sister is...just be patient! Yeah...easier said than done and I know MANY of you out there know how hard that is. I thank God everyday for all your prayers though as I'm seeing the results from it. I'm taking care of myself...it hard to do but I'm trying...so thank you all for your comments of concern...LOVE YA BUNCHES!

Ok...so I promised last post I would show you the cute owl card right...well I just wanted to update first as he's not alone...he has 3 brother/sister cards that go along with the explanation of
THAT card. So for now...here is a card I made for an Easter swap over on Joani's Yuku group. (link over there--->).
Hope you had a great Sunday and here we go to a start of a new week!
Supplies:CS/DP: SSun, WWhite, OOlive, & Bright WhiteInk: BBlack (for sent.) and CopicsStamps: Digi Daffodil by Sketching Stamper Digi StampsEmbellishments: bradsOthers: Swiss Dots CB folder & ColuzzleHugs,
Oh Gabby your poor Ma- you must have been so scared- glad she is on the mend- Moms are tough!!
All the love in hte world to her and to you at this tough time!
Thanks for sharing the photos. Still sending lots of hugs and prayers.
Saying a prayer for your Mom hon...
Keeping you guys in my prayers hun.
I love Daffodils they are the flower of Wales.
Hey Gaby...Sending you guys hugs... And keeping you guys in my prayers. Que Dios la ayude..
Well i'm glad that there is some progress with your mom! You're still in my thoughts!!!
Hey Gabby,
Wishing your family the best. Your mom and you guys will be in my prayers!
warm hugs,
oh Gabby- these pix just break my heart still keeping your family in prayer. {{{{Hugs}}}}}
OMG Gabster!!! the pic of your Dad touching your Mom!!! SO brought tears to my eyes, the YEARS OF LOVE just totally come through!!! You are SUCH a tough chica and SO need to get some time for you! You take care of you and know that you are the BESTEST Daughter for all that you do for your parents, just dont forget yourself my friend! I love ya and need you to stay healthy! Take Care and know that prayers are still being said!
Hug my Ho!
Beautiful card. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!
How is everything with your mom Gabby??? I hope she is on the mend and hopefully home.
Oh Gabby these pics made me cry. I'm so glad to know your mom is on the mend.
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