Hey you guys...just leaving a quick note to let you know I'm gonna be leaving the stamping and blogging world. I've just been having to deal with too much here and there and my brain needs some rest. With this break from the Internet...well, being limited and what not...I've actually had some time for me and my children that I don't wanna go back to spending my time stamping. I just can't do it anymore. I'll be selling all my stuff pretty soon so if you've been wanting some of the stamps I have...well this may be your chance! It's hard for me to say this and I have a huge knot in my throat as I'm typing this...I will miss this.
I hope you guys can understand and not hate me for my decision... I leave you with this cute image as I wipe tears from my eyes... Love ya...

LMBO!!! Yeah sure I'm leaving...APRIL FOOL!!!!!
oh BAD BAD Gabby!! Shame on you for scaring me like that... I love ya to pieces and that would be awful!!
But serious - you still need to take some "you" time. Take care dear friend.
Ha Ha, you're bad.
Gabby, why, why why, do you want to make me cry?!! (So glad you do not plan on leaving permanently!) :-)Traci
very funny! Gabby!
OMG I first thought...April fools..and then I thought..hmmm....really? SHAME ON YOU like Joni said (as I sit here giggling) DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! LOL!!!
Ha ha ha!!! I was about to hog all your stamps. Hehehe....glad you are staying. Love your work.
Have a blessed day
DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT GABBY! LOL!!! I was about to fight you! HAHA!!! I wouldn't ever let you leave this world behind! We wouldn't have "met" without it :D
You're awesome, and hilarious. Hope your April Fool's Day was great!
I knew by the title you were joking but I had to read it to make sure.
Glad you would never leave us. :-)
Oh, you are a bad girl. LOL.
Bad Gabby Bad........But I have to admit that was definitely a good April Fools. LOL
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