We're to pick a favorite theme of 51 themes! I chose to make a Jasper inspired card. While everyone goes GA-GA for Edward...not me! Well...I use to! I use to think I wanted someone like Edward but then realized I NEEDED someone like Jasper. In my everyday stressful life...I need a Jasper to 'relax' me. *feels zen* He can mess with my emotions ANY TIME! As long as he uses them to HIS advantage! *wink*

So ok...off I go to hop and see what everyone else has come up with! Make sure you wear your shades because I know you'll be dazzled along the way! So now head on over to Sarabeth's blog to continue on the hop! Before you go though...enjoy this clip from my favorite Twilight scene! Oh...and don't forget to buy your New Moon tickets NOW! I already did! :D
OT NOTE: Be sure to join me tomorrow on another hop...the Bombshell Stamps hop! :D Let me just say it goes hand in hand with Twilight. How...remember in the movie where Edward takes Bella to his home and there was a mention of coffins? Well...that's a little tease! ;)
Ok now hop along and make sure to leave some love along the way! Thanks for stopping by!
THANK YOU to the TTIC sponsors!
Stamp Happens Shop http://stamphappens.com/shop
Stamp Insanity Stamps http://stampinsanity.com
The Greeting Farm http://thegreetingfarm.com/shop
Unity Stamp Co. http://http://www.unitystampco.com/
Die Cuts R Us http://www.diecutsrus.com/
Sassy Studio Designs http://buysassystudiodesigns.blogspot.com/
Stars Fall Designs http://starsfalldesigns.etsy.com/
And in case you have missed someone here is the list of other participants.
1. Twilight Tuesday (http://www.twilighttuesday.com/)
1. Twilight Tuesday (http://www.twilighttuesday.com/)
2. Tonya (http://stamphappens.com/)
3. Margie (http://ohbumbleismemargie.blogspot.com/)
5. Alison (http://alisonsrandomthoughts.blogspot.com/)
6. Donna (http://donna-wardle.blogspot.com/)
7. Jen Shults (http://deconstructingjen.com/)
8. Heather Lee-Reppen http://inkonmyear.blogspot.com/
9. Tamara Bennett (http://scrapcationgetaway.blogspot.com/)
10. Jacquie (http://jacquiemakescards.blogspot.com/)
11. Erica (http://inkedupandreadytoplay.blogspot.com/)
12. Jennifer O. (http://wannabecr8tive.blogspot.com/)
13. Juanita http://stampintwilghtmom.blogspot.com/
14. Steph http://www.apaperbuffet.blogspot.com/
15. Lisa J. http://www.stampincraftinsnowohmy.blogspot.com/
16. Julie http://www.starsfalldesigns.com/
17. Beth http://www.stampinsanity.com/blog
18. Holly http://www.inkadinkadoodle.com/
19. LaToya http://lmac-emac.blogspot.com/
20. Randi http://www.thedarkmermaid.blogspot.com/
21. Rebecca http://bellacarta.typepad.com/
22. Gabby you are HERE!
23. Sarabeth http://www.scraphappie.blogspot.com/
24. Susy http://susysspace.blogspot.com/
25. Laura http://craftylittlewoman.blogspot.com/
27. Lady-Sonya http://www.kreativplanet.blogage.de/
28. Twilight Tuesday http://twilighttuesday.com/

I love that you are so into Jasper! You have some awesome pics on your blog. The baseball scene is my fave too! And how great is your card?!?! I love how he sparkles. You made a great card!
WOW!! Gabby you really hit this one out of the ball park!! I LOVE it!!
Mmmm Hmmm you are changing my mind with all those *smokin* HOT Jackson pics GF...whew! I LOVE that you played along!! I LOVE your card...perfect! I love that scene too..the bat trick...good stuff :D Thanks for joining us chica! See you tomorrow!
super cute! Love that you love someone other than Edward! too cute!
Awesome Gabby! I love the stitching. I am to lazy to get my sewing machine out. I should thought. I love the way it looks.
Too cool! One of my most favorite challenges! I think I may have even picked this theme! Teehee! Enjoy the hop!
What a cool card! I love the color tones! It matches the movie scene perfectly!
AWESOME Jas card!!! I agree Jasper is awesome! So glad to have you join us and I am thrilled to have discovered your blog! I will be seeing you around, for sure!! :)
Love the Jasper card, you did an awesome job!
Great sparkly Jasper card. Who doesn't want her man to sparkle right, lol.
Wow! I must say that I think you really are on Team Jasper!!! :)
Great card, so perfect!! I love your blog, such a fun place to visit!!!
I knew it!!! LOL! Must've been all those drool-worthy Jasper pics around here ;)
What an awesome Team Jasper card! I love that he's getting a lil love around here too :)
Happy hopping Tuesday!!!
:*) margie
Gabby this awesome! (And thanks for the hop shout yesterday... that was very sweet of you. :D)
I love Jasper almost equal to Edward... though I wish those producers had left Jackson alone a bit and just let him look how he does in everyday life... much more Jasperesque I think. Wow... I'm off on a tangent.
I love your baseball Ian for this! It's just perfect. The sparkle and the stitching are just perfect! Lovely work as always!!! :D
Great card! I LOVE that he sparkles!:)
I love your baseball-scene!!
Great job!;)
Fantastic Jasper baseball card! Love the sparkles!
Your card is totally AWESOME! I love the sparkles and the baseball theme is perfect! Great job!
ummm Jasper...Gabby you really shouldn't put ALL those gorgeous pictures on the side of your blog...LOL!! I don't think I want to leave!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your creation...Wow ...You really truely rocked this blog hop!! Amazing stuff!! Thankyou soooo much for making this special day for us that bit more amazing!! Xx
So cool! I don't think Jasper gets as much love as he should and my favorite scene is the baseball scene. Great card!!!
Your projects are totally AWESOME and Inspiring. Thanks for the inspiration.
Oh hot damn, that baseball scene. I'm with you on that - my fave too. I loved your post -- thank you so much for playing along with us today! :)
That baseball scene is freakin' AWESOME! I'm in total agreement about Jacksper and the bat. Absolutely HOT. And he was just goofing around with it in real life! Your project is absolutely perfect. I have to agree about the need for a Jasper in my life. Sure would save my trips to the pharmacy! hahahhaa
Love the card, it's very 'Jasper'the sparkle looks so cute.
I think everyone(well most any way)will agree that the baseball scene is one of the best in the movie, except maybe for the kiss ;-)
Your making me see Jasper in a whole new light!!
WO!!!! Such talent!! Thanks for sharing all your creations with us!!! You really put a new light on Jasper!! Great job!
Love your creations! So happy to see a dedicated Jasper fan out there! He's a cutie!
LOVE your Jasper card and all the wonderful Jasper eye candy on your blog!
I've never gotten the whole Edward thing ~ always liked Jasper better ~ you're so right about the baseball scene!
Hi Gabby. I found you from Amy's award this morning..I had to wait all day to get home from work and check out your awesome blog...Love it! I think this card is so adorable!! He sure sparkles like diamonds...lol...Anyway you are now part of my morning blog list...I guess I have to start at 4:45am instead of 5:am..lol..Anyway have a great evening. Lisa G
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